Еко-пътеката и този сайт са изградени с финансовата подкрепа на фр
енската асоциация за солидарен туризъм Vision Du Monde, Фондация “ЗАЕДНО – общуване за подкрепа и развитие” и с доброволния труд на младежите от “Скаутска земя”
Most of the rock formations around the village are of volcanic origin and they hide numerous caves.
Two stunning rock massifs of unusual shape rise above Borovo. They are called Orelova skala (Eagle’s boulder) and Karlukovskiat kamyk (The Karlukovo stone).
Yurtovska dupka (Yurtovo’s cave), Ochite (The Eyes), Shepra dupka (The Shepra cave) and many others.
Orelova skala reminds of a sanctuary of rosy and brown stone, from where one can see the horizon many miles away.
The cliffs remind a stone forest. The highest of its ‘stone trees’ (called Chuchul by natives, the local dialect word for stone) has an almost 30-metre height stalagmite-like sheer trunk.
The village of Borovo is a good starting point for walking tours in the area, as well as for visits to Krastov peak (1428 м height) and to the site of the Holy Cross Forest, known to have a unique healing effect.
Red Rock Reserve
This biosphere reserve (declared in 1962) is located in the Dobrostan part of the Rhodope Mountain, in the land of Bachkovo and Borovo villages and covers a total area of 812 ha. The rough terrain and the specific climate and soil provide favourable conditions for the enormous diversity of plant species. 25 relict species, including Cypripedium calceolus (orchid) are to be found within the borders of the reserve.
Kormisosh Reserve
On a total area of 42 hectares a notably rich animal kingdom is to be found – bears, wolves, mouflons, wild goats and boars, wild grouses, roe and reed deers.
Еко-пътеката и този сайт са изградени с финансовата подкрепа на фр
енската асоциация за солидарен туризъм Vision Du Monde, Фондация “ЗАЕДНО – общуване за подкрепа и развитие” и с доброволния труд на младежите от “Скаутска земя”